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ActionsPharos UniPrint - Secure Print Management and Cost-Recovery Software
Enterprise Office Software
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Pharos Systems International delivers print management solutions to businesses, government agencies, and higher education institutions worldwide. Pharos pioneered student print cost recovery solutions over twenty years ago, and they remain a leader in both cloud-based and on-premises print management software and services
Pharos Beacon
Pharos Beacon is a cloud print management solution that presents your organization’s device data and print user information in simple dashboards, making it easy to draw key insights and savings opportunities from your data.
Pharos Uniprint
Pharos has served higher education institutions and libraries for over twenty years. With Pharos Uniprint, universities and libraries can easily manage student printing, automatically recover costs, enable mobile printing workflows, and improve efficiency in all print environments.
- Recover costs of student printing and copying
- Make printing more convenient and secure for the entire campus community
- Reduce printing waste because users release only the jobs they really need
- Ensure device security because only authorized people can use the iMFP
The Power of Print Management
Multifunctional devices (MFDs) help to improve productivity by enabling workers to easily print, copy, scan, fax, store, and transmit documents from a networked device.
A print management solution lets you proactively monitoring activity and helps to ensure devices are available and fully utilized.