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ActionsThe Universal Editor for Your Files: Always the Ideal Solution!
- "All-in-One" editor repairs the most common production issues - E.g. missing fonts, wrong color spaces, or low resolutions
- Consistently high output quality - Directly working in PDF eliminates conversion loss caused by different file formats
- Saving time - Manual intervention at the last second: Comprehensive tool palette for quick correction of production data
- PDF export according to your individual requirements for additional editing
- Controlling the workflow - Able to integrate into any Asura® workflow
- Security and flexibility for your production - Deadlines can be met more easily
- OneVision® Support: Competent, quick problem-solving - Extensive availability - Individual contacts
Last minute corrections of your production files
With the file editor Solvero® you can completely edit your PDF files at any time. This allows you to save time and money as well as to improve your efficiencies while offering more service to your customers!
- Last minute corrections
- Automatic error identification
- Significant time savings
- Easy to use
Return on Investment
- Meeting deadlines: With the comprehensive functionality of Solvero®, you can enter corrections yourself – which saves time and increases your service performance for your customers
- Increasing customer loyalty by improving the quality of print data
- Reduce reworks and customer complaints
- Using existing resources: No special technical expertise required
- Editing of texts, graphics, and images in PDF
- Modification and customization of all colors
- Complete control over element positions and sizes
- Complete control over document size
- Complete control over colors and color spaces (standardized color management)
- Importing PDF, Postscript, EPS and different image formats
- Preflight allows automatic error identification and interactive correction
- Structural optimization of files when opening