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Change Execution

"Throw it Over the Fence" is NOT a Change Strategy

No matter how big or small a change is, surprising people never goes well. Fortunately, there is help. We have an experienced team of experts to help you make change easier for everyone involved.

People Don't Hate Change, They Hate Surprises

People hate change when it means "when did that go away?" or "where did that go?", or "why did we do that?" Our change approach seeks to avoid surprises by keeping people informed, aware, and prepared, and building in reinforcement for adoption every step of the way.

Making Change Easier


How We Make Change Easier—The Change-It Approach

Nothing truly changes until behavior changes. People need to know what is coming and how it will impact them. At Canon Solutions America, our approach to change is leader-led and fit-for-purpose. We work with you to scale the effort to match the scope of the change involved. Download eBook: How to Make Your Digital Transformation Strategy a Success


Clarify it


Leadership Alignment icon

Leadership Alignment

Case for Change icon

Case for Change

Change Impact Assessment icon

Change Impact Assessment


Plan it


Roadmap icon


Change Plan icon

Change Plan

Communications Plan icon

Communications Plan

Training icon


Realize it


FAQs icon


Dashboard icon


Leadership Tips icon

Leadership Tips

Coaching icon


Sustain it


End-user Feedback icon

End-user Feedback

Improvement Plan icon

Improvement Plan

Key Behaviors Plan icon

Key Behaviors Plan


How We Can Help You

Change Execution

Get Everyone On Board

From leadership to frontline, we help you ensure that everyone understands:

  • What changes are coming.
  • Why we are doing this.
  • What we hope to gain by doing this.
  • What we need from different stakeholders to make it work.


Surprise Reduction

No one likes to show up for work and discover that they can't do their job because something has been moved / changed / deleted / removed.

We take steps to ensure people know what is coming, when, and what they need to do to be ready.


Humble Brag

We help you keep track of wins and successes so you can share these out to the organization. Data and success stories help sustain people and let them know that their efforts matter.


Leaders In The Loop

We equip leaders at all levels with the right info so they can easily keep their people up-to-speed and answer questions about the basics.


Ouch-less Transition

Change often requires giving up the "tried and true" for something that feels new and untested. We take the anxiety out of this transition by creating a wide range of ways for end-users to train, prepare, and try out changes before they go live.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Change But Were Afraid To Ask

Know About Change

"Oops! We Forgot to Include Change in the Plan."

No worries, we will always meet you where you are. We specialize in an approach that is fit-for-purpose so that wherever you are in your implementation, we ensure that:

  • We build around your objectives.
  • Focus on the behaviors needed.

"Can't We Just Tell People What to Do?"

Yes, but a smooth, successful transition requires more. Most people want to know the "why", how it will impact them, and what they will need to do differently.

"Isn't Change Basically Communications?"

Communications definitely is a big part of any change effort but there is more to it. You need to work backward from the critical few behaviors needed along the way, and build a Change Plan to make sure those behaviors will happen.

"Change is Training People to Use New Equipment, Isn't It?"

It's part of the solution, but it's not the whole picture. People need to understand "why" and what the expectations are for them as part of the effort. Specifically, how their behaviors everyday will impact outcomes.

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Change Execution

Change Execution